As usual, we have had a really busy week. Cole wanted to celebrate his 8th birthday before his best friend went to Russia for the rest of the summer, so we had an early party. I really love planning BIG parties for my boys, but last summer I told Cole that after his 7th birthday he would not have any more big parties for a while. At the time, I really thought that we would have the baby by now and we would need to limit som
e of our normal activities. Still, even though we still do not have a little sister in our house, we decided to have a small party this year. Cole invited 3 friends over for pizza and to a family-fun center with bumper cars, bump
er boats, get the idea. I let Cole pick out some decorations for the kitchen table and we kept things really simple. I honestly think Cole enjoyed this little party more than any of his big expensive parties that I have thrown! All 5 boys had a blast squirting each other with water on the bumper boats, playing arcade games, and climbing all over the "spider-zone."

Friday morning was the last day of swim classes. Cole's class did a lot of "drown-proofing" activities. One of the most challenging parts was when he had to jump into the pool fully -clothed (including long sleeve button-up shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes) and try to remove his clothes down to his swimsuit without touching the wall of the pool. At the end of the lessons, both boys received a certificate in a little awards ceremony.

Friday was also our 11 year wedding anniversary, so Mike and I went out to dinner. Uncle Kevin and Aunt Elizabeth came over to babysit the boys and took them fishing. They are the best! Mike and I had a really great evening without kids.
Our weekend also included painting Alex's bedroom and a shopping trip with Nana to get things for Cole's bedroom. Cole wants his birthday present to be a rock & roll bedroom. We did some shopping on the computer and then headed it out to pick up some framed posters and new curtains. I can't believe that Cole is almost 8 years old. In some ways he is still a little boy, but his interest in music is reminding me that he is growing up. He is starting guitar lessons tomorrow. We are just beginning with a month of lessons to see if he likes the guitar enough to stick with it. I will let you know how if goes. I have a feeling he does not know how much hard work it is learn to play an instrument!