We had a great time camping in the mountains with my mom and step-dad over the weekend. We stayed in our camper, and they rented a cabin. I have a lot of great childhood memories staying at this park, so it was a lot of fun sharing some of the same experiences with my own children. We hiked to the top of the mountain on Saturday before it got too hot. We saw an Indian wall and a beautiful view. Then Cole and Alex had fun climbing on the huge rocks. Mike cooked us a big low-country boil for supper. Yummy! Today on the way home we stopped at the lake for a picnic lunch and some swimming.
Now we are home and starting to get ready for the week ahead. This is our last week of summer break, but Anna Grace's sitter will start part-time this week so that she can adjust more easily.
Anna Grace is learning new English words everyday. She understands a lot of what we say. Instead of nodding her head up and down to say yes, she raises her eyebrows up and down. She is so funny! She calls our dog "Harlo" (Harley) and she asks for her "shotion" (lotion) after her bath. She is also starting to put two words together. She says "I eat" when she is hungry, and she said "I poop!!" the other day in the bathtub. Yikes! Actually, her potty training is going really well, and she wears underwear during the day. We will go back to the physical therapist this week to find out how much progress she is making with her motor skills. She is still behind, but she is slowly learning to throw a ball and climb the stairs.