We started the weekend with a Friday night trip to the circus. My grandmother gave us some money as a Christmas present with the instructions have fun as a family. In her exact words, she said, "Don't spend it on plastic," which meant we were not to buy toys with the money. So, we have been waiting since December for our trip to the circus.
Anna Grace was so excited to see the elephants. Actually, she has been looking for elephants for weeks now because Mike made up the very cruel game of telling her that she can talk in the car when she sees an elephant out the window! You would have to ride in the car with our little non-stop chatter box to understand why Mike made up that game. So, she has been looking for elephants for some time now, and she finally got to see them at the circus.
On Saturday we had Cole's last basketball game at the same time as the annual Chinese New Year event with our local adoption group. Alex and I took Anna Grace to the University for her event while my mom and Mike went to cheer Cole on. They joined us at Chinese New Year after the game.
Anna Grace enjoyed spending some time with her mentor, watching the Asian performances, and playing with some of her friends. What she did not enjoy was the dragon dance. She was so terrified of the Chinese dragon that she is still asking me where the dragon has gone. Thankfully, the dragon was only in the room for a very short time and it only came near us once.
Finally, today we had the end of the year celebration for Cole's basketball team. The event was held in a high school gym and had a ventriloquist performance. We really enjoyed Cole's season of basketball this year. This was the first season that he played Upward basketball, but we loved the time that was built into the program to help the children grow spiritually. We will have a one week break from sports in our house before Alex's soccer season begins.
After the weekend that we had, our busy school week is going to seem relaxing!!