Yesterday we made a trip to Chuckie Cheese. It was Anna Grace's first time there- does that make me a good mommy or a bad mommy?? Chuckie Cheese is not my favorite place in the world because of all of the noise and the germs. Yes, I am a "germ-a-phobe" But, the boys love it and somehow I have managed to avoid the place for over year. This is my conversation with Anna Grace before we left the house:
Me: Anna Grace, do you want to go to Chuckie Cheese?
AG: Yes!! I love turkey and cheese!
Me: No, not turkey and cheese - a place called Chuckie Cheese. Do you know what they have there?
AG: Ummm, yes! They have cheese!
Anna Grace loved playing all of the games, eating pizza, and getting on stage to dance with Chuckie (although she was confused by why the giant rat would need to take so many naps behind the curtain). She acted like she had been going there her whole life and somehow knew exactly how to put the coins in the machines.
Cole and Alex love summer break because most days we go to the pool. Alex is learning to dive off the diving board and Anna Grace has learned to love going under the water. If I had known earlier in the summer how much she was going to love going under water, I would have signed her up for swim lessons. Swim lessons are definitely on the list of "things to do" for next summer!