We came home Sunday from a camping trip at Stone Mountain Park with another family from church. Between the 2 families, we had 5 boys ranging from age 8 to 2 years old! We got to the campground late Friday evening. Saturday morning we hiked to the top of the mountain and back down. We were all hot and exhausted by the time we got back to the campers for lunch. Then we went swimming in the most crowded pool I have ever seen. The pool was very small and there must have been 80 people in it. As we were getting ready to leave the campground to go to the Lazer Show Saturday evening, Cole got stung by a bee on the top of his foot. If you know Cole, you know that he is our drama child. We were really late leaving to get to the Lazer Show, and we had to park really far away and Mike had to carry Cole most the way since his bee sting was right where his Croc was rubbing his foot when he walked. By the time we got there, the Lazer Show was so packed that we could only find a little spot just big enough for all of us to squeeze in on the lawn. Still, the kids really had a great time and this was the first time that Alex actually watched the show. Every other time he has covered his ears and hidden his face in my shoulder. The first picture in today's post is Mike clowning around with glowsticks before the start of the Lazer Show. Mike thought it would be fun to "accessorize" his outfit before the show started. And I wonder why Alex always seems to march to his own beat...
Tonight Cole has guitar lessons and then we are going to a neighborhood cook-out. I can't believe that I only have 2 more weeks left of summer break. I am starting to get into the mind-set of what I need to do to get ready to go back to work. I really love my summers home with my boys. They just seem to fly by.
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