I was excited to finally take Anna Grace to her dance class. She usually goes with her babysitter during the week while I am at work, so this was the first class that I have been able to attend. I loved watching her try to shuffle in little tap shoes and practice the dance for her upcoming recital.
Thursday of spring break included a trip to a petting zoo with another family. Alex was the only one of my three kids who really seemed to enjoy all of the animals. I think maybe Cole is getting too old for petting zoos :-( and Anna Grace was frightened by most of the animals. She did enjoy watching the animals, but the only one that she was not too scared to pet was the bunny.
Thursday night of spring break was a trip to the skating rink. Alex has his birthday party there this weekend, so we thought we should teach the boys to skate before the party. I had been warned by several people that we should not have a skating party because someone always breaks an arm, but I just laughed it off. Ironically, while we were at the skating rink teaching the boys to skate before the party, Mike tripped over Cole (who had fallen) and broke his hand. He is now in a cast for an undetermined amount of time. Poor Mike!
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