Cole, Alex, & Anna Grace

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hitting Double Digits

It is so hard for me to believe that Cole is turning 10 today. It seems like yesterday that he was a teeny, tiny newborn baby. I remember the day he was born so vividly. I had gone to the doctor's office for my bi-weekly check since Cole had already gone into early labor about a month and a half before. We still had another month to go until his due date, but he started showing signs of distress again and they sent me back to the hospital. I called Mike to tell him that I was in the hospital for more monitoring and that I would get to go home in a few hours. Thank goodness that Mike decided that he better leave work to come sit with me or he would have missed Cole's birth. As Cole's heart rate plummeted, I remember the swarm of nurses and doctors hurriedly preparing for me the surgery and the fear that I felt for my sweet baby.

Now, Cole is 10 years old and turning into a preteen. He is still small for his age, but he seems so tall to me. When he hugs me, he no longer feels like a little boy- he's more muscular. Even though he is still sweet and loving, he increasingly wants to spend more time with friends and listening to music on his i-touch. How can it be that my Coleman is growing up so quickly?

Cole wanted to plan his own party this year. He invited 2 friends to spend the night. He made his own invitations on the computer and planned for them to make homemade pizzas, go swimming, and watch a movie. They also had a water balloon fight and played games on the Wii. The boys had so much fun last night that they fell asleep exhausted before midnight. Now, Cole is out with Mike using his birthday money to buy a Nook. He loves to read and is excited about getting an e-reader.

There are so many days that I just want to hit the "pause" button and keep my kids from growing up. Even though I love how Cole can help out around the house and have more grown-up conversations, I am not ready for him to grow up too quickly. The store Staples has an "easy" button; I need a "pause" button.

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