Ok- so I know that I have been slacking off on my blogging lately. The kid's schedules have been so busy that by the time I get everything accomplished in the day that needs to get done, I am ready to crash. The only reason that I have a few minutes of quiet right now is because I am home from work with Anna Grace who has a cold. She is napping and the boys are at school- they will be home in less that 30 minutes so I better hurry with my blogging. They will be busy working on homework, eating an early supper, and getting ready for church before I know it.
I am posting some pictures of the kids enjoying time with their Christmas presents. Cole has been on several rides with his new mountain bike. It has been a great activity for the boys and Mike to do together.
Alex has not had as many opportunities to use the kayak that he got for Christmas because of the cold weather.

He quickly found that his paddle tends to allow water to slide down into his lap while he is paddling around our cold little lake. After just a few minutes of paddling, his pants were soaked! I think he will wait for some warmer weather to fully enjoy time in his kayak!
Still, I got some great pictures of him out there paddling around the lake while Cole and Anna Grace watched from the shore.

Anna Grace has been enjoying her art easel. She can paint on one side and use chalk on the other. Just yesterday she was painting dragons for Chinese New Year.
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