Anna Grace had her dance recital several weeks ago- actually just before we left for our Disney trip. I have been so busy with the kids that I have not had a chance to post any pictures, but after frequent requests from my mom I am finally making the time to post. The pictures really did not turn out as cute as I would have liked. Still, for better or for worse, here they are...

Anna Grace was beyond excited that she was going to get to dance on stage. At the rehersals (there were 2) she kept asking to go on stage to dance with all of the other groups of dancers. It did not matter to her that she did not know the routines; she wanted to do them all!!

These are some back stage shots before her performance. The little girls were excited that one of the moms brought glitter makeup.

Anna Grace's partner in the performance dropped out of the class just a few weeks before the recital, so one of her little friends filled in as Anna Grace's partner. We were actually pretty happy that she got a new partner because her previous one was a good bit older and larger than Anna Grace and liked to pick her up when they were supposed to hug during the routine. There were quite a few times during dance practice that Anna Grace got dropped and slammed to the ground by her previous partner. We were very happy that we did not have to worry about her falling during the performance!

Anna Grace had a Friday night performance and then a Saturday afternoon performace. I was the backstage mom during the Saturday afternoon performance. I brought lots of snacks and movies to keep the girls happy as they waited to go on stage.

I think she was a little distracted by the huge audience and lights during the Friday performance and she did not do as well. However, by Saturday, she was confident and did not miss a step of the routine!

I wish my pictures of her on stage had turned out better, but we were not allowed to have flash photography.

I am not sure if Anna Grace will take dance again in the fall. She wants to continue dancing, but she asks me almost every day if she can please, please be a soccer player like her brother Alex. With 3 kids and a full time job, we only have enough hours in the day for each kid to pick one activity plus church after school. She will have to decide in the next month or so if she is going to dance or play soccer during the next school year. I must admit that if she decides that she wants to play soccer, I am going to be a little heart broken. I love seeing my sweet little girl shine on stage, but I want her to have chance to explore new activities.
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