Part of the annual tradition of our small town is the Christmas parade. We look forward to the parade every year because it seems like the whole town shows up- either as spectators or in the parade. There are just as many tractors as there are floats and all of the kids come away with bags of candy. This was the first year that we partipated in the parade with the adoption group. I walked with Alex and Anna Grace while Mike, Cole, and my mom watched. I decorated a wagon for Anna Grace to ride in so that I would not have to carry her the whole way, one of the moms made a bunch of jingle-bell bracelets for the kids, and another one of the moms put a little red pompom on her nose to make her look like Rudolf. Anna Grace had so much waving at the people we passed.

Then, the whole group met to eat at an Italian restaraunt with Santa Clause. Anna Grace did not like "Clause" at all, but she did let him come up and talk to her while she ate. I really wish I could get a picture of all 3 kids with Santa, but Cole and Alex refuse and Anna Grace is too scared. I would push Cole and Alex harder if I thought I had a chance with Anna Grace, but I don't want to scare her. Oh well, maybe next year!
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