Cole, Alex, & Anna Grace

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Day to Celebrate

Today we went to the courthouse to readopt Anna Grace under American law. Even though she was legally ours under Chinese law, we wanted to adopt Anna Grace under American law so that she can have an American birth certificate and there can never be any question about the adoption procedures. We did not want her to have a birth certificate with her parents listed as "unknown." We are her parents, and we want her to have a birth certificate that she can be proud of.

It means so much to us that both sets of grandparents came with us to the courthouse. The hearing was very short and easy, and the judge allowed us to take pictures after it was finished. Then, we all headed to my friend's new restaurant for a yummy Italian supper. Stacey and her husband also have a daughter adopted from China, and they suprised us with a cake for dessert. They were so sweet to our entire family (even when Anna Grace crashed a plate on the floor!)

We are getting ready for our first Christmas with Anna Grace. Every time she sees a present, she says, "Its a birthday!" I guess she is technically right since it is Jesus's birthday. She opened a few presents when we first came home from China, but she has never celebrated Christmas or opened a pile of presents. I can not imagine how she is going to react when Christmas comes, and she realizes that many of the presents under the tree are for her to open.

I posted a link is to a "One Less" video on my sidebar. I thought it was touching since Anna Grace is now "one less" orphan in the world.

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