Anna Grace helped by crushing the Oreo cookies.
While the fudge chilled in the refrigerator, Alex and Anna Grace assembled the gift boxes for the fudge.
Our first batch of the pretzels ended up dripping gloppy goops of sprinkles everywhere before we finally learned to let the chocolate cool a little before adding the sprinkles. As you can see, we made quite a mess.
I think I will be sweeping up sprinkles for a week!
Then, it was time to deliver some of our goodies. Cole was in charge of delivering the fudge, Alex delivered the pretzels, and Anna Grace delivered a card to each doorstep.
The kids are getting really excited about Christmas, but Anna Grace is worried about the rainy weather. She is concerned that Santa is going to make a mess in the house because he will be so wet!! Hopefully we will have dry weather for Christmas Eve!
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