Anna Grace has two close friends turning 4 this week, so she was invited to two birthday parties the same place but at different times. There is a children's boutique in our town that does beautiful dress-up birthday parties. All of the little girls get to dress up as princesses and accessorize their outfits with shoes, scarves, and hats. Then a favorite Disney princess walks into the room to host the party. The first party this morning had Anna Grace's favorite, Cinderella, and this afternoon's party was hosted by Sleeping Beauty.
The little girls enjoyed letting the princesses apply make-up and then serve them pink tea (pink lemonade) out of real China cups. The princesses also played dancing games with the little girls and taught them everything they needed to know about how to be a princess- including how to curtsy, twirl their dresses, and use princess manners. Anna Grace had a great time today, although I think the only things she ate all day were ice cream and the icing off her cupcakes!
Tomorrow we will have a reality check when she does not have a Disney Princess to make her eyelids sparkly and serve her finger sandwiches with tales of Tinkerbell!
The princess birthdays are such a precious idea!