Cole, Alex, & Anna Grace

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Daddy's Helper

I have not posted much about my sweet Alex lately, so I thought I would do a blogpost about how he always seems to be right by Mike's side whenever there is work to be done. 
He was so excited about the new garden that Mike was planning that he spent most of an entire Saturday helping set up these new boxes for the raised garden that we are planning (Thanks Uncle Jerry for these great boxes!!) 

Mike had a load of "fertilizer" delivered from a local dairy farm and Alex spent an evening outside with Mike filling the garden boxes shovel by shovel.  (Just wanted to apologize to the neighbors about the bad odor!!)  :-)

Another project that Mike has been working on is making pinwheels to use as decorations for Anna Grace's birthday party.  Her birthday is not until May, but if you know me, you know that I am a "planner!"  The weather was really yucky most of last weekend, so we decided to start working on the 2 dozen homemade pinwheels that will add a splash of color to the yard for the party. 

Of course, Alex was right by Mike's side as he painted, drilled holes, and started to assemble the pinwheels. 
Alex is a sweet, sometimes goofy, easy-going kind of kid that loves spending time with his family.   

1 comment:

  1. What a great helper! Enjoy every second of him helping while you can. ;)
